Elevated Talkz

Behind the curtains

Stxndout, Taj Wilder, AJ Season 3 Episode 37

What happens when personal turmoil crosses paths with public drama? Find out as Taj spills the beans on her  controversial news appearance and the surprising cease and desist order from Bluey. Krisdi  shares the excitement and chaos of her recent escapades at the LA County Fair, while our special guest, Marina (@DoseofMarina), gives an insider’s look into balancing two demanding jobs and reviving her fashion brand, Pretty Bird. We round out this segment with a lively discussion on cultural party traditions, including the endless celebrations of Polynesians and Hispanics, guaranteeing plenty of laughter and camaraderie.

But not all stories are filled with joy and laughter. This episode takes a sobering turn as we delve into the harrowing realities of escaping abusive relationships. Personal experiences reveal the gut-wrenching complexities of leaving a violent partner, especially when children and societal expectations are in the mix. We unpack the unpredictable behavior of abusers, the psychological tactics they employ, and the additional challenges posed by mental health issues. With a focus on empathy, particularly for women of color, we emphasize the need for understanding and support over judgment.

Finally, we shift our lens to the power dynamics in celebrity relationships and the impact of scandals on public figures. Analyzing cases like Diddy’s alleged manipulation and the infamous altercation between Chris Brown and Rihanna, we explore how public perception and social media shape their careers and personal lives. From discussing the ethical dilemmas in the entertainment industry to the financial expectations in dating, we offer a reflective and thought-provoking conversation. Join us for an episode packed with personal stories, celebrity insights, and deep discussions that will leave you contemplating long after it ends.

Speaker 1:

elevated talks in this thing. We got some company in this mother mother, company in this mother mother. Go ahead and everybody go around uh, I guess counterclockwise and introduce yourself like always I know who it is.

Speaker 2:

It's A to the J. What's going on, y'all?

Speaker 3:

It's Taj Wild.

Speaker 4:

It's Christy and I'm Marina.

Speaker 1:

We got a special guest, Marina. I put her tag. You want your tag on?

Speaker 4:

At Dose of Marina.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, we'll definitely put it in the comments or whatever.

Speaker 6:

We'll definitely put it, you know, in the comments or whatever.

Speaker 1:

We'll, definitely we'll chat. What's up, guys? What's been going on since the last podcast?

Speaker 3:

It worked.

Speaker 2:

It worked. Life's been good.

Speaker 1:

Life's been good. How's your life been, Taj?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Working, getting ready to move. My family's seeing you on the news.

Speaker 1:

Taj is like I don't want to talk about that shit. My family seen you on the news and Todd's like I don't want to talk about that shit. I'm sorry, we not. I told you it ain't international fucking news are you?

Speaker 3:

serious fuck, bluey. I just want to put that out there.

Speaker 2:

I've said it on every podcast now fuck Bluey. Bluey, I rock with you.

Speaker 3:

Bluey has stressed my life out, but they sent us a cease and desist so I can never run another Bluey event happy with, I thought you guys kidding about that no oh, we got dead ass.

Speaker 1:

Oh we about to be dirt dog a cease and desist well, you serious gracie's corner I have four different people say this looks like your co-host right there oh man because I'm not in the mood like I was.

Speaker 3:

I was harassed by parents, like once the news story aired, like we had already got a bunch of slack online Once the news story aired and they had a face to attack. I was getting DMs. I had a death threat over this match, like it was yes, hey, welcome to being famous. I don't want to be on the news for good things. I told my mom I was like this year we're going to be on TV, we're going to do this, not like this.

Speaker 2:

Nah, bluey said it all, so we got to go, bluey got me fucked up and that's why we got red cups today. Bluey, yeah, stop playing with us.

Speaker 3:

They really out here riding for?

Speaker 1:

it. Oh, what's up with you, Chrissy? What's going on?

Speaker 6:

Just been chilling, you know, working Chilling, working Same old, same old, you know.

Speaker 1:

You went out of town yesterday. I did Well. You guys listened to this a couple of days ago, so yeah, I went to the LA County Fair.

Speaker 6:

You know school. I don't know if it was worth the money for real. Like you know, it was a good time regardless.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, reena, what's been going on with?

Speaker 4:

you. I've just been, you know, trying to find work. Okay.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I have two jobs right now, but you know I'm trying to figure out which one I want, and then I've been working on like a skincare line and yeah and my clothing line, which I'm bringing back yes ma'am, that's dope, that's dope.

Speaker 1:

So did you already have one and you're trying to rebrand?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm trying to bring it back. I was working on it before during COVID, okay. And then I went to nursing school. What is it called? Pretty Bird, okay.

Speaker 1:

So what is it like? I don't mean to be fucking grilling you and shit, but what is it like? Is it like girl shit?

Speaker 4:

It's girls. Yeah, oh okay, Basically just apparel and like accessories.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say give us some shirt, Me and AJ will wear it. I'm saying y'all wear some. Yeah, but since it's girls, you know, you know I mean it's summertime, shoot me a crop top.

Speaker 4:

I got you.

Speaker 3:

It'll be cute. Yeah, you're going to stretch it out right like Ezekiel Belliot.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying motherfuckers look like a 1970 basketball size porn star.

Speaker 1:

so on the on the last podcast I was talking to a couple people and it was like it's like AJ cracked me up at the 59 minute mark, like the 59 minute mark, you know I go back and I listen to it, but, like you know, whatever, I'm not even gonna go into it, and so you know I'm gonna. I'm like it's a 59 minute mark. He's like I'll go back and I'll listen to it, but, like you know, whatever, I'm not even going to go into it.

Speaker 1:

And so no, I'm going to say I'm going to hire you guys to be the time stamp motherfuckers in the comments instead of the moderators or whatever right. And he, I'm not gonna lie like between Hispanics and Polynesians, they have never-ending parties. The party is no end time, man like the sun be up next time.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, uh everybody else don't have shit on Polynesians and Hispanics, because they parties.

Speaker 1:

The shit just start like at four in the morning and shit. You know what I'm saying. So like you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still, you, still. You know Everybody find a place and lay there. You know Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you talking about you tired of butler still bring you out of place Blanket and pillow, blanket and pillow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I know AJ's head is always under a rock. Oh yeah, my bad y'all, ty, she had all that shit going on. I think, ana, maybe, miranda, they could maybe relate to me, but have you guys been seeing all the shit on Diddy.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yeah, stick with me.

Speaker 2:

I've seen one video One video, that's it.

Speaker 3:

Did you see the video? Was that the one when he was Running the town?

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, I've seen that one.

Speaker 3:

That's the one I've seen Running the town. That's the one that matters the most. Yeah, no on carol and intel shit.

Speaker 4:

Right now. Let me lean back.

Speaker 1:

It was a big trigger for me cause I could relate, so yeah, that was a hot mess yeah so you said you could, we'll get to that, we'll get to that okay um yeah, so I was never one of the ones that think that, thought that Denny was innocent. You know what I'm saying? Like I already know that nigga's a sick fuck.

Speaker 1:

So, like he's always, like it's always been it's always been like death around him you know what I'm saying, or it's always like so I had the. I wouldn't say I was lucky, but I had the liberties of being around him, especially being in Vegas, and we used to book him out, like I want to say like three years in a row for either Labor Day or Memorial Day, right. So me and my boy, eric, shout out Eric, you know what I'm saying. We used to have to escort him from the back of the house to his hotel, blah, blah, blah, you know what I'm saying and to his room or whatever. Sometimes we'll have to stay outside his room to make sure no crazy shit is going on, or whatever the case may be. Yeah, he was always a wild dude to me. He was always a guy that when him and Cassie was together, they didn't Some seemed off, they didn't seem like they were really together she was mad young, like way young, and they said that he started shooting his shot when she was 18 well, that's still legal.

Speaker 1:

So well, I can't, I can't, I can't, you know, go against that, because I guess I mean she was. Everybody knows, in my stances I like women that's a little bit older, a little bit of seasoned, uh, but that's just me, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

But uh, yeah, he's down there. 20 year age gap, though, is wild and the industry.

Speaker 4:

That's pretty normal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah to be dating, I know I know a lot of guys like really, really wealthy you know what I'm saying and um, and they like younger women. Now, I wouldn't, I don't, some might, I wouldn't know, but some might like them underage, which is that seems to be an industry hollywood trend, and then something like them, like the you know the fountain I guess they're a fountain of youth which would be like anywhere from like 19 to 25. You know I'm saying'm saying and I can't relate, because I always dated women that was older than me. You know what I'm saying and so you know I just, I just like you know, I just like somebody already got their mind made up and can't handle more kids.

Speaker 5:

So, basically, she got to be over the hump, so you got to be in your 40, 45, over the hump, so you gotta be in your 40, 45, 46.

Speaker 2:

You gotta be bearing.

Speaker 3:

So okay, Going through middle part he like ooh you sweating Need a fan, I'll hold it.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of people were saying like damn, you know, Cassie should've, she should've left him, she should've done this, she should've done that, or at fault completely because she was indulging in this and stuff like that and um, you know me as a male, you know I I might have hard stance sometimes, most of the time, like you know, but I'm gonna say that like nah man, like that's bullshit, because like a lot of times, uh, when, when you know and I'm only speaking from women that I know, you know, um, a lot of times when women, male too, but they say it's one every three women and one out of every four males, right, so that's reported. A lot of times women, um, they don't, um, they can't leave because either they think they look like a failure to leave or they might be love bombed. Or you know, for example, somebody like fucking Diddy. That dude is powerful, he blowing up cars and shit. You know saying everybody around him dies.

Speaker 1:

So why would you want to leave? You don't want nothing to happen to your family. You don't want nothing to you know happen to you. You know saying, if he already showed that he don't give a fuck, he'll read the shit out of you in public. You know I'm saying then there's no, if there's probably no limits in your mind. And then and then after that, it was like you feel like you can't escape. A lot of times a lot of women, uh, they get these men that they're so powerful. You know I'm saying that, like you know I'm, it could be physically or mentally, or you know, financially that you like shit. I seen what this motherfucker did, hell, no, you know I'm saying so. It's more than just a person leaving. You know, especially if the person had the resources. Now, if it's joe, small, off the street, it might be a little bit easier. You can't, but off the street it might be a little bit easier.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even say that Get out of there.

Speaker 1:

You can't. But I'm just saying it might be a little bit easier because you know that if you skip states or whatever. But even then with the average person it's hard. It's just not as easy as packing the fuck up and leaving.

Speaker 3:

You, you, and to that what you guys say, I'll take care of it, first being like my last relationship relationship was violent, um, and it took me like two years outside of like having kids and whatnot.

Speaker 3:

It took me another two years to walk away from that relationship. Um, it's not as easy as people think, like it don't matter if you got money or if they don't got money. It's like you got to look at things from multiple different standards. I think I not that I had it worse than her Cause. I feel like she probably experienced trauma that I would never even understand. But to have kids with somebody, to put yourself through that physical connection with somebody and then having to walk away from it, was not easy. And we're not just talking from like, what am I going to do? I got two kids. How am I going to fend for them? You know, how are they going to have a relationship with this person? Now that I don't want a relationship with this person, it's not just that. I also had outside people, my family when I did tell them, I may not have told them that he was violent, I may not have discussed you know, the mental things that he was putting me through. I may have just been like I want to leave this person.

Speaker 3:

And I come from, you know, south Bend, indiana, where people are married for 25 years, regardless if their significant other is cheating or you know they're not paying bills or whatever the case may be. Like y'all, stick it through. Like most of my relatives have been married for eons like 35 years, 45 years. My grandparents were married for 65 years, so before my grandfather passed. So for me it's like when you come from that and you, you're raised a certain way like being from the Midwest. We're taught at an early age that we are to be wives. We're raised to be more than just you know women. We're taught how to manage a household, how to take care of our men, at a really young age. But I'm also I come from a household where I was raised by a single mom. My dad wasn't around when I was growing up, so I'm hyper independent but at the same time, like I still have that back home values that I carry about myself.

Speaker 3:

So it was really hard for me to walk away from that situation. What took things to that level was, if I stay, I don't know if I'll be able to be alive for these kids. I don't know how far this is going to go with this person. So once his mental completely collapsed and I saw that this could be the end, I walked away from it. But it had to get to that point, or else I would have stayed. And I saw that this could be the end, I walked away from it. But it had to get to that point, or else I would have stayed and I would have just continued on just going.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know he's not okay. Like he's got his issues and I'm gonna help him get through these issues. You make excuses for people. Um, it took my kids having to see that light in him. It took, you know, me to really come clean with my closer family. My dad was around at that point, so me having to have the conversation with him. My sister was the one that came and picked me up from the house. She had no clue this was going on.

Speaker 1:

Where did you guys live at?

Speaker 3:

I was living in Chicago at the time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

My sister stayed like 15 minutes away and like she would barely see me, I started to distance myself from my entire family, so they weren't seeing me post online, they weren't seeing me physically. That last year and I had just had my youngest she was what? Six months at the time when I left it took me a really long time to escalate to that point.

Speaker 3:

Like I said, I walked away that day because I was like this is it. This is the moment. This is the moment that, unfortunately like I was waiting for, like you took things to a whole nother level that I now know, like, if I stay, he is going to kill me. So I have to leave, having to bring my family involved, bringing them over, and they're confused as to why. I'm like handing trash bags and car seats. I just take stuff. Please just take stuff and let's go. And I'm in the car and I'm laughing but I'm crying all at the same time because I don't know what's the next step after this. I'm more afraid of, like who I'm going to be after this and what my kids are going to be like after this than I am worried or concerned about who this person and what they may do to me afterwards. It's the same person that threatened my life. If I decide to leave, I kill you. I'll come find you.

Speaker 3:

I stayed close for a while. I think I spent like almost a year out in Michigan trying to like have them have a relationship with him, but the more like I stayed, things started to go back to what it was like drinking problems, fits of anger, shit like that that you can't control. So once I recognize that, and then I'm arguing with my dad because now he knows what's going on and he doesn't want me a part of that and I'm, you know, arguing with him because he wants to start a relationship with his kids I just decided to back up and move here. I'm going to go as far as I possibly can so I can give them a better life and they have that. Like.

Speaker 3:

I came out here with no money, right, I had $1,000 to my name. I spent $600 on Christmas gifts because we came out here in December. I spent another four hundred on bartending classes and I've been riding on that shit this entire time. I didn't do it just for the sake of them, but I definitely did it because I knew like I needed to better myself. I need more for myself than this.

Speaker 3:

Like this person doesn't love me or themselves enough to get help and I can't help them. Domestic violence like everybody thinks that it's so. Like cut cookie cutter like the man comes home he's just smacking her around. Like some days would be really good. Some days I didn't know where it would come from.

Speaker 1:

I could just be standing in the kitchen, come around the corner you're a fat ass and then would smack shit out of me, walk out, and that's who I go was talking about, like the love bombing too, because sometimes, like you said, like some, sometimes a motherfucker be like shit, like he'll seem like the most. He or she will seem like the most perfect person in the world. They'll buy you gifts, they'll do this, they'll do that, they'll make sure you, they make you feel protected for that time being and they flip the script back. You know, I'm saying so like that's why I say, you know, for the motherfuckers that think it's just cookie cutter, you know what I'm saying, it's more than that. And then, yeah, you know, I don't mean to interrupt you, but for the motherfuckers that do shit like that, especially guys to women, we'll get on women to guys next right.

Speaker 1:

But I think y'all some sorry motherfuckers Because, like most of the the time because I used to be playing Captain Save-A-Hole back in the day like I see one of the homegirls they're getting beat up, but then I realize I'm like I'm putting my life in danger and they get right back with you know, chauncey, or whatever, and so, and so you know, you know, a lot of times the motherfuckers, they don't want to fight somebody with some hands. You know what I'm saying. They don't want to come at, they don't want to come at some as somebody that really got that, that power behind him. You know I'm saying, for example, like diddy, like you, you know, he, his old bodyguard, gene deal, been talking about him for a long time and nobody was listening right. But one thing for sure, two things were certain every time gene deal said something, or kind of like chicken, he didn't do nothing back to gene deal, he, he and he still haven't done nothing to gene deal because he, you know certain people you know not to fuck with.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm saying I think there's like in duty's case. I feel like money corrupts people and changes people and it sometimes even brings out the more, unfortunately, the more drastic sides of them. Like I got money, I got power, I can pretty much do what the fuck I want. Anybody can stop me in my situation. Like two years after we left, my ex was diagnosed with manic bipolar disorder. So he goes through these motions where he's not the same person and I think everybody's situation is different. Like some men have other issues and we're not just going to say mental issues, but it could be competency issues. Like I don't feel like I'm adequate enough for you, so this is how I dominate the conversation. This is how I dominate you to make me feel like I'm better.

Speaker 4:

And were you sensitive to like that diagnosis?

Speaker 3:

No, it didn't make me feel any better about it.

Speaker 3:

It actually made me feel worse, just because, like it gave it, I can say in a sense it did slightly make me feel better, because at least then I understood where it came from, because he wasn't that person when we initially got together. Took us two years. We had lived together for two years before we started having kids. He escalated within those three years and it just kept getting worse and worse and worse. Yeah, it made me feel like, yeah, to a degree better because I understood where it was coming from, but at the same time, like now, I don't know what to expect of you at all. Now I don't know who I would ever get Like if you go off your meds. How do I know like they'll be safe with you? It's still triggering in a sense, like even having to deal with him now, trying to for him to have a relationship with the girls. It's hard because I don't know if he's gonna come and be like mentally stable enough to be a father. I don't know if you know today would be that day where you know everything goes left. He decides, I don't know, kidnap one of the kids. Like I don't know this person.

Speaker 3:

It's been hard. It's been hard to like tackle these emotions as they're coming because I don't know what to expect. I know he tells me he takes his meds, but I can't. I don't live with you. I don't know if you do. What I can say is, though, living in constant fear when I was in that household, like I'm not so much fearful now because I have, like, great people around me. People love me, I'm well known over the city, so you know pretty much, know where you could go, that somebody doesn't know me or wouldn't recognize me. I got enough friends and family. I'm with a man now Like I'm not really concerned in a sense, but at the same time like there will always be that lingering fear and you don't let that trauma go. Like you know, everybody complained about cassie coming forward now, and this has been years like she has a whole new life, she has a new family. But you don't let that trauma go, you don't remove yourself from it.

Speaker 3:

People get irritated with me because I can't have people just walk up on me I jump like I instantly get you know that instant fear and they don't know where it comes from, like, oh girl, you know it's me. Like, yeah, I may know it's you, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. If it's like ptsd, it's ptsd. Like you still kind of have to relive certain things and even like being in that person's presence, like we have kids together. And for me it's not about me being involved, it's about him having a relationship with them. Because they don't know any of this, they don't see, see that person and I can't be the person to be like, oh, you can't have a relationship with them because of what you've done to me. Right, you might have changed, so it's harsh for me to go. You can't have a relationship with them because of everything we've been through. I have to be open and receptive so that way they can have that relationship.

Speaker 3:

I grew up in a single family home. My father is just now really being in my life and I'm 30. Yeah, I don't want that for them. Like my mom, I can't say she was bitter, but she definitely carried herself in a certain way. My mom is super hard on me, whereas there's a complete difference between how she raised my brother. I grew up hyper independent because I didn't have like that, you know that warm hug at night. I didn't have somebody to show up to ballet recitals or soccer games Like. I've pretty much done everything on my own at a really young age. So for me it's like I have to be a better mother than what I've saw but at the same time still be protective and make sure that nothing that happened to me happens to them.

Speaker 3:

So I hate the the conversation points where people were like she should have left. It's been this long like you live through those traumas every day, even with her having kids. I'm sure there's going to be a constant fear once some kids leave the house, of what the world is going to bring to them kids. What if they get mixed in with the wrong people? And she was just living her dreams. She had an opportunity to get on a mic and sing her music. Even though she didn't go big, she still had an opportunity and a lot of us don't ever get those opportunities. How can she tell her child, if they ever get that opportunity, that they can't go do it because of what may happen? What may happen to her may not happen to her kid, but she don't know that. And then just the things that he was doing to her, like sex trafficking her, had her in weird what is it calling them?

Speaker 6:

puff fests or something like that you had that woman involved in some crazy mess.

Speaker 3:

The deadlift, the deadlift, like just all kinds of craziness and then, like you, hear about other stuff that he was doing.

Speaker 1:

I can get deep, but I'm not going to get deep on this podcast. We'll use that for Stand Up University.

Speaker 3:

But I can get real deep in you know all that kind of shit, but I'll leave that for my other podcast I just, I need women, especially women of color, to stop looking at it always as a what did you do or what could you have done, and start looking at things at a more vulnerable standpoint, because we, anybody, can be in that position, and it's not easy to leave. It takes a lot of courage and in her case, like you said, he was blowing up people cars. He has a lot of money and a lot of power. He can make people disappear if he really wanted to Like it took a lot of strength to walk away from that situation. I'm a hundred percent sure of that.

Speaker 3:

So, instead of always assuming that a woman's wrong because, believe me, we all have heard stories like that white girl and that black man that had got into the incident and then come to find out that it was her parents that killed him in that hotel, like we, we know that it could happen. Right, women can get on stands and lie and get on the media and lie. We, we get that. But let's not always jump to conclusions. I always feel like let the story play out first and then we can talk about it. Then we can have a real conversation.

Speaker 1:

That's my thing too. Like you know, people say, um, oh, believe women first, no, and but you know, see, I'm more of like this, I'm more of like this right way to like, especially if it's like some public shit, like some public figure shit, right, let this shit, let just do your due diligence and get the information. And because, like it's kind of for me, you know, I'm more of a, a logical person, the sane person, a person that goes through, uh, investigating, I'll say like that first. So I'm not just gonna jump to no side of anything before I do my my, my research. Because it's like okay, sometimes men lie, women lie, so you know you gotta. And hell, sometimes, it's like okay, sometimes men lie, women lie, so you know you gotta and hell.

Speaker 3:

sometimes it's mutual. Like they both, really like they both fucked up. For example, she beat him, he beat him yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like for the Chris Brown and Rihanna shit right Perfect example I hate, to bring them up, but for that, like neither one of them did was right.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm not saying that chris brown was right and I'm not saying that that rihanna was right or anything like that. But if you go back and look at this shit, like rihanna actually started beating his ass first. You know I'm saying and I'm not saying it is excusable for him to have hit her or beat the shit out of her. You know, beat her ass, whatever the case may be. But. But you know that goes back to the fact of, like, everybody only looks at Chris Brown beating her ass.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying, and not the fact that Instead of it being a mutual thing and people looking at it from that standpoint.

Speaker 1:

Like, and this is where, like, I try to get at people and I'll let you guys get how you guys feel in this next but, um, I try to tell people like this like sometimes you and a man is in a situation where, yeah is, we're supposed to walk away and we try to walk away, but if somebody beating your ass, why are you trying to walk away? And then trying to, you know, talk all this shit and, you know, do things to the point where sometimes I've seen cases where the person couldn't leave because that that girl might have been beating his ass or that girl might have been, you know, like, doing things, like, like I'll give you an example with me. Right, that was a girl, you know, we got into it and I'm like, fuck, I going to just leave. I start packing up my shit. I left Right and like, I'm in the closet. It was a walk-in closet. I'm in the closet. She started beating my ass with a heel. You know what I'm saying. And so, like I'm trying to push her off of me. You know what I'm saying, what I was trying to put hands on her. I'm saying I'm not gonna fight you but at the same time, like she's trying to stop me from leaving. She's like locking her, her body onto my leg. She's fighting me and locking, like, like locked onto my leg, and the only recourse I didn't do it, but the only recourse I really had was just like to snuff her so she can get the fuck off me. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

And so, like, in that moment, like a million thoughts went through my mind right, and a million thoughts went through my mind like damn, like I want my mom, my sisters, my family to go to jail. I don't want to be known as a, as a woman beater. I don't want to be known as this. If I, if I fuck, like because, like when I fight, like it's no middle ground, it's not like you just can't get me off of somebody.

Speaker 1:

Like I fight to kill because I'm scared, because, like, I don't know what you're capable of. So I don't care if you're a man or a woman. If I'm fighting somebody which I don't fight women but if I'm fighting somebody, then I'm fine, I'm, I'm pretty much blacked out because, like I, I'm fighting for survival, I'm not fighting just to see whose balls is bigger. Whatever the case may be right. So, and I'm thinking that to myself, but, like a lot of times, a lot of dudes don't have that moment of thought, that, that, that thought process it also depends, like if somebody is hitting you, it's natural to cock back and hit them, that's I mean my mama told us that you keep your hands to, especially being a female.

Speaker 3:

Like I don't think I've ever incited a fight with a man, like we may argue and I'm not even big about arguing, especially now where I've been Like I'm not arguing with you, we're not doing those screaming matches, like I'm really monotone, so you have to really take me out of my character. But most men, like they were taught, were taught that like you, don't put your hands on a female. But it's also an instinct if somebody is wiling, like they're scratching and punching and they swinging at you, they throwing stuff at you, it's a natural recourse to turn around and slap the shit out of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, because I almost slapped. You said never hit a woman walk away from shit like that.

Speaker 3:

And you see, like see a lot, especially when the bigger the man, typically the smaller the woman, but typically the crazier the woman. You see stuff like that all the time, where they slapping and they going and they going and he just eating it, he taking it, and all it takes is that one thing to trigger the shit out of him and he may come back and slap the shit out of you and all of a sudden, now she the victim.

Speaker 1:

And guess who's going to jail first, I mean luckily here in the state of Nevada.

Speaker 3:

Like everybody go to jail.

Speaker 1:

It's whoever is more aggressive.

Speaker 3:

No it don't even matter, it's whoever is involved.

Speaker 4:

They take both parties to jail now, if they can't figure it out, If they can't figure it out but if one person they don't have Like, let's say, aj got into a fight with you, right?

Speaker 1:

If AJ has more than marks, you're going to go, you know what I'm saying. It's a 12-hour period. If it's a domestic dispute, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 6:

But if you both have marks, like you said, they can't determine who's who they got to separate you guys, they don't got time to figure that out they gotta fucking separate you at least for 24 hours.

Speaker 1:

But don't be the weekend, like this weekend, where Memorial Day falls tomorrow, tuesday, wednesday, don't let it be a Friday.

Speaker 3:

You wouldn't be there until Tuesday you're gonna sit there.

Speaker 1:

We'll go this way. What do you guys think about the that situation, the Diddy situation?

Speaker 4:

The Diddy. I think she was love-bombed because she was young. You know, getting into the relationship, we were all growing up at the same time, we're like the same age. I think she was love-bombed. First of all she's young. She doesn't really know his history like that. But had she like researched history, history, I don't know what you know she was capable of, but had she researched history maybe she would have known.

Speaker 4:

But again, men go back and they charm you and they love, bomb you and they, they make you seem like they're this great guy now. So maybe that's what happened to her um. And then, of course, he has power, he has ties to the you know, other powerful people. She could have been scared and maybe that's why she didn't leave. I don't know. You know, I'm not in her situation. That that's the pretty heavy situation, um, in terms of chris vernon, rihanna, there, they were young at that time too, and I think he was mostly pinpointed because he was a male and Rihanna's photo circulated on the internet. So we all seen, you know Rihanna's photo. So of course we're gonna blame him in that situation, but we know.

Speaker 3:

I just hate that like that defined his life so drastically and now, like I mean, they're actually cool now they're cool now, but look at like how their lives turned out like brianna is a superstar.

Speaker 3:

She can go anywhere in the world. She's got a beautiful family. Chris brown has had now multiple baby mamas. He's been on and off drugs if he's I don't know if he currently is or he often got repaid, but they lies because of that one moment defying them, yeah. And she got to move on with her life all happy-go-lucky, whereas he, like, is still battling with those demons. Like because of that one moment.

Speaker 1:

Chris Brown was on track to be our next little like you know, usher, he was supposed to be as big as Drake, yeah, but I think social media played into that too. Oh, definitely.

Speaker 4:

Because you know the commentators in the comments that was like the real start of social media around that time he can't get certain brand deals because of that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you see how like he's supposed to perform at certain things, and they kick him out late at night. Cancel.

Speaker 3:

And it's not even because of who he is currently. It's because of that one moment. People feel like he couldn't do the Super Bowl. Because of that one moment. And mind you, here we are. What, almost 20 years later? Yeah, she's moved completely on with her life. We haven't heard him, or about him putting his hands on not a single woman, since what we do know is he on drugs heavy. He carries himself in a totally different demeanor. He's shaved his hair off. He tattooed his entire body. He can't, he doesn't even handle himself the same way he did back then I think that I mean, I think probably with that situation, it probably probably.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's just, that's just industry industry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, especially like I'm gonna say, 80 percent of people I know in the industry they own that shit heavy, like you know. I mean like they they do a lot of drugs, do a lot of drinking, like they find different ways to cope or stay up or stuff like that. And I'm only speaking, you know, from experience and stuff like that, and so I could, we could probably attribute that that could be part of the reason why. But I think you know just him, you know being a rock star that he is and stuff like that. I think that is probably the reason. You know what I mean. It's probably just being a rock star. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 6:

Like you know you see Weeknd, but I do see what you're saying, though I agree with what you're saying His image was completely different before that he was what you're saying, though, like I agree with.

Speaker 3:

his image was completely different before that. You know like he was a kid, though he was a kid, but everyone loved him.

Speaker 6:

He went from everyone, loving everyone, everyone was hyping him up, like you, the next one, and then like in the blink of the eye, everyone hates you. Yeah so I think that also like he had to carry kind of like a different weight on his shoulders, you know.

Speaker 1:

So then, because in reality you don't want to be.

Speaker 6:

You know, now I'm the bad guy, I'm gonna embrace it, you know like what in reality he's, this or last generation is michael jackson.

Speaker 5:

If you think about it sure you know I'm.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm not trying to be biased because I am a fan of, uh, chris brown, but like, yeah, he's, you know, um, and I ain't no groupie, so don't get me wrong, let me clear that up, you know, because motherfuckers rule fucking, hit me up in the comments, but, uh, but I am a fan of, uh, I'm a fan of a lot of people, but I don't really care about like, celebrities like that, about, like you know, his music and whatever, whatever. But, um, yeah, I think, yeah, I agree with both what you guys said, you know I think his trajectory would have been oh way high point.

Speaker 1:

His generation would have never happened, or?

Speaker 3:

if it did happen, like we heard the bar with crinjick right, like there's some speculation that he was beating his wife ass but nobody know about it because, like he knew how to move money in the right places. Not saying he did, I just said you know, allegations are that he allegedly allegedly like you may have put hands on your wife, but you knew how to move. After the fact that people around you knew how to move.

Speaker 3:

Chris brown was really young, yeah, it changed his entire life and people online still to this day will bring that up like we are currently, bring it up, bashing for it. Right, talk about how much he's a woman beater this, that and the third any ex that he's gotten like with, like karuchi, she's had negative things to say that impacted his career. It changed his life.

Speaker 6:

And it's really like with the industry, it's pick and choose. You know they let Dr Dre perform at the Super.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

You know, everyone's heard allegations. You know different things. You go back into like different generations, different generations, marvin Gaye, all these people, james. Brown they all had their you know allegations of what was? You know what was going on. It didn't really impact their career. You know, with Chris, it was that picture that circulated and that just took off, but he's still killing the game. I mean, he's not, maybe not where he would have been, but I think he's still the way, he's still succeeding.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy. Y'all didn't still keeping him down, that's for sure. But I mean, like Justin Bieber came out and says, like y'all didn't listen to some of my music when I was telling y'all like I mean the stuff with Diddy, there was things going on behind the scenes Like people were feeding him drugs, doing certain things to him that he wasn't comfortable with, and nobody said, said anything because of who was backing him. He had Usher and Diddy and I forgot who else was involved. But he just recently came out and was like, yeah, we been saying this shit, y'all just now getting hip to it just like I seen not too long ago.

Speaker 1:

I seen you know cause, usher, he tries to like a lot of interviews. He try to like skirt away from you know that. But I seen an older interview where, you know, he kind of like said a lot without saying a lot. You know saying, if you like, you guys know me at this point but when I listen to things or when I watch things, like I'm listening for something totally different, I'm watching for something totally different from what other people watch. You know what I'm saying. I think it's because of my former career that I was in that, you know, under, you know, doing a lot of investigation and stuff like that. Like I'm I'm I'm listening and watching for something totally different from the surface shit, and so like I was listening and I'm like, oh yeah, he said everything what I was saying. You know what I'm saying and I don't know. All I gotta say is our childhood is fucked up yeah, you know, I'm saying look so I hate to be up on my new yeah you know,

Speaker 3:

so it's always the things like you didn't like. You used to rock with.

Speaker 1:

You used to kick all the nickelodeon shit hollywood, all the fucking shows, everything is all fucked up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, nickelodeon, have y'all seen the documentary with Nickelodeon, oh yeah, I watched the whole thing. That shit is wild like and I feel like it was hyper focused more on Josh Peck, which it you know, given his situation, it definitely should have been. But then you hear about the other ones that nothing ever happened to. What's that girl's name? Victoria, veronica, victoria, victoria.

Speaker 4:

Victoria Veronica. What did he mean?

Speaker 5:

All right, dmx go Victoria, veronica.

Speaker 1:

What did he mean? What did he mean? Oh yeah, veronica.

Speaker 2:

Ice Cream.

Speaker 3:

The producer, the guy who did everything she was like without Dan, I wouldn't be where I am, is it the blonde?

Speaker 6:

girl, no girl. No, she's the girl with the no no. No, not Amanda. I know who you're talking about. It's Veronica, or something she had a whole show Victoria.

Speaker 2:

Ariana Grande was on the show right.

Speaker 3:

Victoria, but then like on the back end like you hear about the girl who was on the not the Amanda Bynum show. It was way after that. It was like two girls, they had a little iCarly the blonde girl who came out, yeah who had a lot to say like and the counter opposite of this producer.

Speaker 3:

So that's why I'm like just because it didn't happen to you exactly doesn't mean I feel like, even if it like, even if you thought the world of this person, I don't think you should come out and back them, because there might be people that are traumatized by this person. Yeah, like there's. There was plenty of people back in diddy. Oh no, no, he would never do no shit like that. He got online, posted his big old. Enough is enough. Like y'all not going to bash my name.

Speaker 6:

Hold on, hold on, just for the video to be posted.

Speaker 3:

Just for the video to be posted, and then the weak ass apology that came to follow.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait, that wasn't even an apology, no.

Speaker 3:

That wasn't no fucking apology.

Speaker 1:

Like first, like you can tell, like he said he went to therapy, you can tell that, like bullshit, I go to therapy not because I'm something's wrong with me, it's because I'm. I like being in tune with myself. You know what I'm saying. And the first thing, the first thing you do when you go to therapy you gotta tell your therapist. You try to tell your therapist everything. You know what I'm saying. So either this therapist didn't give a fuck or this therapist is made up, okay, because one first things first. That doesn't excuse you from any of your behavior. So first you lied, hello, so now this is going to be admitted in a court of law, because you admit to guilt on this shit, that you did this shit, okay. And then, second, you said I was in a dark place.

Speaker 1:

So you say you did it, but you're not. You're not. You didn't even mention her name. That's one, two. You didn't even really apologize. He can't he apologized to the fans? He didn't apologize to the victims.

Speaker 6:

So he was.

Speaker 1:

It was one of those things where I always say people could talk to you or at you. Yeah, he's talking at motherfucking. He tried to act like he was about to cry. That was a pr stunt and it was a weak pr stunt.

Speaker 3:

Everybody read through that bullshit left and right, I was like what was the point? Like you should have just stayed.

Speaker 1:

Actually made it so it's like his son and everything where she said he did king kong, did a freestyle here.

Speaker 6:

Yeah you didn't even know.

Speaker 1:

We bought the house next door I said you little dumb, dinkling-looking motherfucker, and let's be honest.

Speaker 6:

Cassie's team is her team and her they are smart Top tier.

Speaker 3:

First of all, she got her money right. She got her money, so she not gonna sue him, or?

Speaker 6:

whatever. It was all civil, she got her money, but because the FBI or the Homeland Security whatever picked it up, now they could subpoena her and they could still use her in court as a witness.

Speaker 1:

That was smart too. But here's the thing smart as hell she could still talk the reason why Homeland Security raided those houses.

Speaker 6:

It wasn't because of her. It wasn't because of her it was because he got a whole nother church sex trafficking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sex trafficking small children, they wanted to make sure, they wanted to make sure that they got the people.

Speaker 1:

That's high and mighty. Yeah, they got those tapes. If you really paid attention like homeland security, don't come after that. No, you know, I'm saying if most of the time, if there's a raid like that, it'll be the police, I don't really care that. So if most of the time homeland securities is higher than the fbi, you know I'm saying so with that being said. With that being said, they only did the raid. It was.

Speaker 1:

You know it was a publicity stunt but, they did the raid to get tapes, all the high politicians and the powerful and the other powerful people. You know they have fucking dumb ass, king cones or whatever fuck his name is justin only made it 20 times.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, christian is the one we're talking about. Yeah, christian, you know I can't remember but anywho.

Speaker 1:

So we don't want to get it twisted. Yeah, allegedly right. So he's dumb ass gonna make a freestyle and at the end of the freestyle he gonna say you didn't even know. We bought the house next door. You stupid little piece of shit. You gotta be the one of the dumbest motherfuckers we don't keep no tapes here, it's over there.

Speaker 6:

Now you can't claim no innocent. That goes to show you.

Speaker 1:

Diddy is allegedly in my opinion is a black Epstein. Oh for sure, and all those?

Speaker 6:

tapes, okay, why? Are all these celebrities are quiet about it. A lot of these celebrities, like you know, when R Kelly situations happen, there's a lot of these people are on these tapes that they picked up.

Speaker 3:

They real quiet. You heard all kinds of names being dropped Jay-Z, Beyonce.

Speaker 1:

We already know, jay-z, as much as everybody the beehive won't kill me.

Speaker 6:

As much as I love.

Speaker 1:

Beyonce and Jay-Z. You already know, like I said on the previous podcast before, beyonce wasn't even supposed to be the one. It was supposed to be Maya. Then Aaliyah Aaliyah died we all know reasons why, but it was supposed to be Maya. Allegedly, she was supposed to be Beyonce of today. Right, she didn't sleep with Jay. You know what I'm saying. It was some other shit that went on day. Right, she didn't sleep with jay. You know, saying it was some other shit that went on. Why she didn't? You know? Because she basically stand on some shit, right, and if you guys don't believe me, you guys go do your own research, you know whatever. Why I didn't sleep with jay. She didn't do some of this shit. This is the reason why because, think about it, it was priming her to be the biggest star fucking in the 90s. It was priming her to be the biggest star fucking in the 90s. It was priming her to be the biggest star. She was in rap songs, she was on the Rugrats shit. She was in different.

Speaker 5:

She was in like.

Speaker 1:

And when she didn't do certain things that the industry requires you to do, here's what happens. That's why you didn't see her for a while.

Speaker 5:

They was like, oh, she's a has-been. You didn't see her for a while. They was like, oh, she's a has-been.

Speaker 1:

So then then it was priming Aaliyah to do that. Aaliyah fucked everybody in the industry. No offense, that's crazy, but it's true. You know, it is what it is. I love Aaliyah. Yeah, I love Aaliyah too. I don't know, aal was putting her in movies. She had number one hits. She was one of the hottest producers hottest, you know. She was around Jay-Z, this person, that person, this person, and then she died, so she didn't get to she. If Aaliyah was still here, it wouldn't be no Beyonce. We'll still be talking about Aaliyah.

Speaker 5:

It would be.

Speaker 1:

Beyonce. But she wouldn't be. She wouldn't be as big.

Speaker 3:

It would still be Destiny's Child.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but it would. She wouldn't be as big as fucking Aaliyah, would be bigger and it'd be Beyonce. In my opinion. You know, same thing with Rihanna, rihanna, they were trying to have Rihanna trump Beyonce, but now it goes. I'm not saying this to be a fact, but now it goes for me to, when I think about it. You know, because I know things, I went down a rabbit hole a long time ago, um, and, and you know, once you go down a rabbit hole, you can't come back up.

Speaker 1:

But Rihanna was supposed to be bigger than Beyonce hmm, the reason why she's not bigger than beyonce and well, some people's eyes she is but the reason why she's not bigger than beyonce and the reason why she haven't been dropping music albums like that lady, because she's trying to get the fuck out the industry. You know what I'm saying I'd agree with you know.

Speaker 1:

That's why she's more focused on fenty and all that other stuff. You know, beyonce, what she was doing, music she had in the house of Darion his dad, is that. You know she was still focused on everything else. That means to tell me that she's. You know, she's in this shit. If you get what I'm saying, she's in this shit.

Speaker 3:

I mean, there's plenty of women that was in the shit. Had Cassie done a slither or the people at least in her camp would have done, took some time and really got to know who he Was, she would have realized like he has a long history of violence, like tired to like, when he was working with Pat Joe, when he was working with Even before that I can't think of his name right now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Biggie. When he was working with Biggie, you know there was rumors about him smacking around. You know a lot of different about him smacking around. You know a lot of different women in the industry Faith Evans, lil' Kim. Like anybody that came in contact with, he felt like he owned.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I even heard he smacked his mama.

Speaker 5:

I'm not saying that to be true but that's what I heard.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like your mama yeah.

Speaker 3:

With anything. I mean, like, let's talk about Joe Budden. He's had allegations. We can talk about what's his old boy name. There's plenty of people in the industry that have a history of violence and all it takes is for the right people around you to put you up on game to let you know these aren't people that you need to be dealing with. But everybody's so fucking money hungry, like even the people in Beyonce camp. Like no, like no offense to her parents, but y'all was mainly focused on getting her to the next level so hard. So it's almost like fuck the morals, fuck the values, fuck how we taught you. Right, we need to get this bag. And same thing with cassie camp. I'm not saying like we don't know her life story. I don't know if, like you know, she had an abuelita, somebody that she was trying to take care of, and we don't know her life story fuck you we don't know her life story.

Speaker 3:

That's all I'm saying so we don't know why she was so committed to getting to the next level. Yes, we all want to chase our dreams, but how far are you willing to sell your soul to get there? I'm chasing my dreams right now. There's things that I'm not willing to waver on. You're not going to have me out here sucking and plugging everybody, just my own club, you know you're a little sucky little dude that has a Hell's Kitchen.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean if it's Gordon.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

I might do a little bit.

Speaker 3:

A little bit. I'm fucking Gordon. I'm fucking Gordon. It ain't working, it ain't working. I've been watching Gordon my whole life. I might do a little bit Like if he wasn't gonna cut me a chicken but I just feel like you gotta when you walk into certain, I mean I feel like the industry is definitely changing now because, like we're way more progressive now, you got you know, although the me too movement isn't what it is now, like it was then, it definitely woke a lot of people up, that this shit is bullshit it is, but it definitely provoked a lot of new conversations Like that's why we're seeing stuff like the Nickelodeon documentary.

Speaker 3:

There's supposed to be a Disney documentary about what those kids went through in the 90s. Like we're seeing a lot more things coming forward that we hadn't seen prior to us becoming of age, like we're in the 30s and all of the things are starting to get shaken up and I'm not saying that it's going to change overnight. What I'm saying is that people are going to be more protected. Now. You're not going to see a lot of these 18, 19 year olds mixed in with the 40, 50 year old club.

Speaker 1:

You should go see that.

Speaker 6:

I doubt it. They just going to get a little sneaky. They're going to be more sneaky about it.

Speaker 4:

And, I think, the parents are going to be involved now too, because before they would not be involved.

Speaker 3:

They'll just trust.

Speaker 4:

you know, parents are the whole problem in the Nickelodeon situation.

Speaker 6:

I want to know more about the whole Bow Wow situation. I'm not saying nothing happened, but he was young, getting dropped off with Snoop Dogg. I'm not saying nothing happened, but he was a young kid and, as a parent, to drop your kid off in these adult situations is crazy they out here smoking weed, drinking 40 you got your 7 year old bounce

Speaker 1:

with me, bounce with me, no when it comes to money and it comes to fame, no matter what, we could see this tape a million fucking times, people are still not going to weather whatever waiver from that. You know what I'm saying. They're not going. You know, is this the way people work? You know, you drop a bag off in front of somebody that I take, like this.

Speaker 1:

I know a lot of prostitutes, you know, and you could say like, hey, it like this, I know a lot of prostitutes, you know, and you can say like, hey, it's potentially that you can get great, but he cannot pay you and they're still going to fuck because there's a bag attached to a lot of times. Or they're going to rob a motherfucker because there's a bag attached to the shit. Same thing with parents. If, now more than ever, parents shop their kids Like you know, I coach football Parents shop their kids, I know they shop their kids like there's no tomorrow. It's like what team is going to offer my kid the most? Same thing in college. What team is going to pay that NIL, get that big NIL bag for my son, or whoever?

Speaker 5:

to go do this.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying, so I don't think it's going to change.

Speaker 3:

Especially now that they're playing student athletes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying this is business now, and we live in a capitalist society and there's nothing wrong with living in a capitalist society. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 3:

I just feel like, though, when it comes to stuff like when we're talking sexual allegations and abuse, you know you might be able to shop your kid around, but again, whatever come what, whatever's done in the dark is gonna come to the light absolutely and clearly like, even though he's probably been doing this shit for decades, now you you're getting it back tenfold like you how quickly the media and his fan base everybody turned on him. All it took is for them to drop that one one clip.

Speaker 1:

There's plenty of more tapes out there that was because he upset somebody you pissed off the right white man I'm sure I'm trying not to get too far into my my other shit that I talk on my other podcast, but diddy is a part of the boule. I'll say that if you don't know what the boule is, go look it up. Um, go do some research, I'll send. If you guys want to know, I'll send you guys some videos and shit too. I won't know, and so I'll say this once you go down the rabbit hole, you can never come back up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no no, yeah, the whole tampon thing, like yeah uh, it is a part of the lay.

Speaker 1:

The boule no longer needs him. They don't want him. So, with that being said, you're part of the belay.

Speaker 6:

The belay no longer needs him.

Speaker 1:

They no longer want him. So, with that being said, you're part of the belay. Once they're done with you, you're done. So this is coming from the shit that he's a part of you know, what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

They're no, they don't, they don't no longer need him anymore, you know. So he's, they wash their hands and it's on to the next. You know, and a lot of your favorite celebrities there's a part of belay. Women can't be a part of it. They have their own thing. I forgot what it's called, but I could tell you guys later. Um, but women are not a part of the belay. But if you guys don't know what the belay is, go look it up for yourself. But at the end of the day, they control your media, your fraternities, your, your politicians, a lot of your politicians, and so forth and so forth. Right, and once you, once they're done with you and they move on to the next people, they just let all that shit air out. They don't no longer need you. So now you know they throw you to the wolves. All that is because he's a part of this, and if you don't believe me, just go look up the shit for yourself. This is people might be like oh well, when you talk about the illuminati, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

There's a little bit different, something similar, but it's a little bit cracks me up when people talk about the illuminati, like if the illuminati wasn't supposed to be known about, we wouldn't know about it, like there would be no, like they gave you something so that you could put a face to something. But let's be honest, like we know that there's secret organizations, we know that there's people that do things behind the scenes, that have power and money. Like there's too many of these billionaires out here for there not to be Right and there's too many of these people like Epstein Island just brought a lot of truth to a lot of things, a lot of focus on different things. That there are people in political statues that have money that can move things, that can make people disappear. That I could change your name. All I need is you know and chris kardashian.

Speaker 1:

Hello, I mean chris jenner, I mean my bad oh, lord um oh, it's not a real thing like it.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure it is. We just like we're calling it one thing. We don't know what the fuck it really is, we don't know who really is involved, we don't know there could be players all over the world that we don't know about. All I'm saying is what we need to do again just addressing the Diddy situation is protect your kids, protect the people in your circle, especially if you see that they're going in a certain direction. Be that one voice to them so that way they stay grounded, because a lot of times it is about how much money is being put in your hand another thing you want to know, the other thing I might get shot at by lord, you know this podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sitting next to him, thank god sorry, look, man, stop leaving the good guys for the bad guys. She would never left ryan leslie. I'm not saying that it's her fault, but hey, she was with Ryan Leslie before and she wanted to go to Diddy, the more powerful woman. How do you know, ryan?

Speaker 3:

Leslie wasn't whooping her ass.

Speaker 1:

Ryan, leslie wasn't whooping her ass, we ain't talking about Ryan Leslie right now. She just seen she just seen it was time to scale up.

Speaker 6:

I'm not saying that any of this is her fault, because it's not.

Speaker 1:

It was a business let's be honest that's how majority, not all.

Speaker 3:

That's how a lot of women operate I think that's just how life is in general, though, like we can say that we get with a significant other just out of strength of love yeah, but you also got to look at the potential. It is like what you can benefit and what they can benefit from you. I'm with a photographer who also is tech savvy like not saying like oh, I can you know, I'm gonna use him to take over the world, but I get the mutual benefits that we can give one another like I'm in marketing.

Speaker 1:

I manage like he can use me for things I can use him for this. You guys date off potential, we date off something else what y'all date off of. Aj, go ahead and tell her, listen, man y'all know what I did.

Speaker 2:

I can't say nothing because I'm single, so I don't date off of nothing, so you're going to have to tell her that one okay, so you guys, just not all women, don't think I'm saying every single fucking woman.

Speaker 1:

Most women date off potential. What can he do, bring, what can he provide?

Speaker 4:

Right yeah, my line.

Speaker 1:

And most guy dates off of how you can make my life easier. So we're not date. We're not dating you for your career. We're not dating you for how much money you got. We're not dating you for you know different things. We're not dating you for how much money you got. We're not dating you for you know different things. We're dating for you. Can you make my life easier? Are you fucking? And it's the truth. That's the truth that's what most. I'm just telling the truth you know.

Speaker 3:

Let's come right back to coochie.

Speaker 1:

We don't want you to shut up, but we don't want you to make our life harder. So if we slay in a day, right, we don't want you to come, let's talk. Don't come at me, talk to me. You know I, we don't want you to kind of let's talk. Don't come at me. Talk to me. You know what I'm saying. Don't fuck around on me. You know what I'm saying. Stay loyal. You know what I'm saying. You know that's what we looking at.

Speaker 2:

Y'all talk. Y'all should be easing our mind, not just be nagging at us.

Speaker 5:

You know what?

Speaker 3:

I'm saying Because y'all think of potential, that's what? No, but a lot of y'all be headaches too. Y'all tend to forget that like y'all come with a lot of like grievances and problems, y'all come home nagging about shit too but our potential is there, so and let's be honest like your money is there.

Speaker 1:

I would never, ever, date a girl with no feminine energy, ever you know feminine energy Ever. You know, if you're not feminine and you're masculine, you'll be in your masculine over there. I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 3:

I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 6:

There's more females than there's females. As a woman if you're dating guys you're probably going to want a masculine guy.

Speaker 1:

I say it all the time I'm cool with a solid seven. I'm not looking for, I'm not looking for. I'm not looking for the tens every go around, the nines every go around. I'm looking for someone that has feminine energy. I don't want to date aj I want to date somebody with feminine energy. Right, I want to date somebody like, with purpose.

Speaker 5:

You know what I'm saying? I?

Speaker 2:

think it seems like so. Yeah, you know, I think you have to be a certain age to have that kind of mindset.

Speaker 4:

Because the younger men these days well, some of them they are dating different kind of girls now they're not.

Speaker 3:

I feel like that's very much the 30 and up club. Like the 20 and below. I mean not 20 and below, but the 25 and below like they dating a little bit of everything.

Speaker 1:

Man, young man, when you are going through life, you probably shouldn't date.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna say that, oh my god, one thousand percent I was like I shouldn't have sex before you turn 28.

Speaker 6:

I don't think women should date, um and like seriously, when they're super young either.

Speaker 5:

I think both parties should just learn themselves, live life, but you also need to experience life too.

Speaker 3:

So I like to say like oh, you shouldn't date at this age. You won't ever experience what a real relationship is you need to date and experience what the ins and outs is and how to communicate in certain relationships, because the problem is, we see it now in our 30s.

Speaker 3:

Right, he ain't there yet, but what you see in our 30s right, but what you've seen in your 30s is like a lot of people don't know how to really have conversation with their significant other, so it leads to complete breakdowns. It leads to people walking away from situations that could have been easily fixed hear me out, put the camera on me, it's on you.

Speaker 1:

Women should date. If they do date, they should date with more discernment.

Speaker 6:

You guys have the you guys have more options.

Speaker 1:

You guys have the option of having any man that you want.

Speaker 3:

For the most part, and then you say you need to also learn more discipline.

Speaker 4:

If they're going to, I'm getting the man I'm getting can I just say, if I would have followed the laurie harvey, you know oh whatever she's doing I, I would be in a better place, right now, I was trying to be in love she out here trying to catch bags.

Speaker 1:

I said it in the podcast while you guys were in there, but the Miami podcast while we were in Miami. Women have the option to pretty much have options, like multiple options. So you shouldn't give a pussy to every fucking option that you have, whether that's man or female, because you know every day. You know everybody's different nowadays but you shouldn't give a pussy to everybody. You know what I'm saying. Like you should use discernment, because not everybody's warrant a pussy, but you could string a guy along without even giving him a pussy. He gonna give you the world Nine times out of ten Just for the thought of maybe getting some pussy. You know what?

Speaker 3:

I'm saying that's sad, that is but it happens, I don't do it, it does happen On a tail end.

Speaker 1:

man, you should court the woman that you like, but you should work on yourself first. You should court the woman that you like, but you should work on yourself first. You should work on yourself. This is hindsight, looking 2020, because I probably could have been way further if I wasn't chasing a pussy. Luckily, I just didn't put pussy before my grind. You know what I'm saying. But at the end of the day, man, work on yourself, because learn discipline. I'm getting there Work on yourself.

Speaker 1:

In order to, in order to, in order to. While you're working on yourself, you should have discipline. You know what I'm saying and you should. You know, learn that. You know, when you're working on yourself, that your dick is more prize. And this is I had to learn this myself, okay that your dick is more prized than fucking every hood rat. You know what I'm saying. Your dick is more prized, you know, especially if you slaying that hammer. You know what I'm saying. If you slaying that hammer, you got to know that they got to work for that dick. You know what I'm saying. And then shit, this dick don't come free. You know what I'm saying. Like it comes with you. What is she going to do?

Speaker 3:

Right, she ain't free, dick ain't free.

Speaker 1:

Back to the woman. You guys could go on a million different fucking dates and nigga, stop being weird. You could go on a million different dates without having to give up the pussy.

Speaker 1:

Oh absolutely Sorry if I'm vulgar, but it is what it is. This is an uncensored podcast. You should know that. Hey, I could take John, john, aj and maybe even a girl on a ride before I even decide I want to give up the pussy. You don't have that motherfucker pick you up. You guys meet at certain locations you know what I'm saying? And then boom, boom, boom. And if he can't meet you at a location, if he don't got no car I had a friend of this. I'm not going to mention her name, but if he don't got no car, you shouldn't talk to him 1,000%.

Speaker 4:

I feel that, oh yeah.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to pay you back off of that.

Speaker 3:

I mean that aren't big ass fuck yeah.

Speaker 1:

Ties might say different because we view the difference sometimes. I think she changed her mindset, but the motherfucker can't pay for a date. No, if a motherfucker can't, if he ain't paying for the date.

Speaker 3:

He shouldn't be for the date. He shouldn't be on the date, like what are you doing? So what he's referring to is the fact that I say that I'm good with splitting the check on the first date because I don't want nobody thinking that they walking away with something. If you ask me out on said date, I'm very much comfortable splitting 50 50 because, a.

Speaker 3:

It is an investment the very first time. If you take me somewhere, nice, it is a bigger investment and it's always expected of a man to pay for the date. Now I ain't gonna be like, so at the end of this we splitting the check. But if there's already being conversations that I'm uncomfortable with, yeah, I'm gonna split the check. Like if you're making sexual innuendos, if you are and don't go on a date with the nigga?

Speaker 4:

no, because sometimes it's not always like if you go on a date with date with somebody.

Speaker 3:

They may initially have come off as one person and then you go on the date. Next thing you know he rubbing on you, touching on you, like what are we doing out there?

Speaker 6:

Listen, in that case, I understand why you might want to you know, what?

Speaker 3:

because she doesn't want any if you don't want anything further.

Speaker 1:

Then it's like it's like whatever I get where you're going, but no, for whatever I get where you're going but no, for the most part.

Speaker 6:

If you're like trying to date someone like I, feel like he has to pay, like that's just it is what it is. Easy dating is done if you want to be a nigga.

Speaker 1:

Okay, like nigga you pay.

Speaker 4:

So I'm back on the dating scene. So every date I've been on so far, I've took my card out and I paid for the whole thing. Yeah, and I regret each one, okay.

Speaker 1:

Because the dates were that bad?

Speaker 4:

Well, no, not that, it's just like.

Speaker 1:

I realized Okay, go ahead and finish.

Speaker 4:

I realized that I should be the one being like catered to, like I'm paying for it, and then I'm going home and I'm like, okay, well, what has he done for me? That makes no sense.

Speaker 6:

I feel like in that situation the guy should be paying, because in the situation that's okay. I see I see a little different, like okay, if you're gonna be friends with him, if you're not feeling him at the end of the day and you feel like he's gonna be expecting something, then whatever 50-50.

Speaker 1:

But and even then it's like nah, you pay listen, I'm big on the guy he should pay and I want you guys to listen, I want all the women to listen to this podcast with open ears. I'm not telling you to be a fucking gold digger, I'm not telling you to be any of that, but what I'm telling you is look and man, if you go on a date and you think about going half and half, look, you already know in your mind that, hey, I'm going to spend this. So you should not, you should not be like, hey, um, I'm only going to spend this if you fucking no look, that's an investment right

Speaker 1:

that's an investment. So the guy should already fucking know. And if he don't know, you probably shouldn't be on that date with him. But the guy should already know. Hey, I'm taking her out on a date. Nine times out of ten I asked her to take her out. So that means that I'm going to spend this money, I'm going to court her, Not every fucking, and we know this. If you play sports AJ plays sports, I play sports, we know this every game is not going to be a fucking win.

Speaker 1:

So if you're going with the mentality of just to fucking fuck after the date, that's what I'm saying that everybody know how to court you gotta you gotta take that you're using a word that most men don't know, but that's where, no, some guys notice that you guys gotta use the sermon, like I keep on saying. You gotta use the discernment to know that this nigga ain't it, this guy might be it. You have the long line of roster of motherfuckers and if you say him this, he's giving me the lies that he only want to fuck now. And I'm not saying that you should probably have your own money just in case some bullshit happens. But at the end of the day, if a guy asked you to take you out because what would they say in your dms oh, let me just take you out for some coffee, baby. Let me just take you out for this, let me take you out for that. Oh, you could go wherever you want, ain't no fucking problem, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, guess what nigga we going out here? Cool, you taking me, I'll let you pick where you taking me out, because you're supposed to be the leader, right? This is the kind of shit that, like, I have this food allergy, blah, blah, blah. Guess what. We know that we're going to spend. The average date is about $2.50. So, if you can't, if you can't, that's a lot.

Speaker 4:

If you can't go out.

Speaker 6:

I'm good, you should know where you're going. So if you already know where you're going, you look at the menu.

Speaker 1:

If you want to take it, I agree with you. I totally agree with you. But at the end of the day.

Speaker 6:

If you want to take a girl on a date, you should probably have 250 reserved for that date because you guys might go parking, especially if you live in california.

Speaker 1:

Let's say you want to go, go to a nice restaurant, you want to go to the movies, you got to pay the valet, or because anywhere you go in.

Speaker 5:

California. Thanks, honey, what you doing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Any blue state that you go to, you're going to have to pay for everything.

Speaker 6:

That parking like $70? That parking is $25.

Speaker 1:

The fucking restaurant is probably $170 for both of you guys. Okay, so then you know you guys want to. Let's see if you want to take a walk on the beach. If you want to take a walk on the beach, walk in the park. Whatever the fucking case may be, the parking is still $10. You know what I'm saying? So at the end of the day, if you can't afford to spend $2.50 on said date, you shouldn't go out on a date.

Speaker 6:

Don't take the chick on a date. And then, if you don't, my thing is how many people are you dating like? That's another thing if you balling like that.

Speaker 5:

It sounds like costly at that point.

Speaker 3:

It's very costly. You can save thousands of dollars if you balling like that.

Speaker 2:

That's why I say in particular who you're taking out, or who you're going out with it is a rich man's game it is a sport.

Speaker 1:

If you don't got the money to date, don't date or use the sermon.

Speaker 3:

I'm like saying okay, well, you don money to date, don't date or use the sermon.

Speaker 5:

I'm like saying okay well, you don't got money because I feel like I don't know. Well, you don't always. Okay, there's ways.

Speaker 6:

The thing is, I don't have to know you're dating too, because not? All dates are going to be expensive.

Speaker 3:

It could be the, the thoughtfulness and the. It depends on the woman that's talking to, because there are women that will have you go through.

Speaker 1:

You know, spend way more than 250 yeah, that should be the minimum that you have. Minimum, but there's women that wouldn't be enough.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I've never really put a price point on myself.

Speaker 1:

Biden. Inflation is fucking.

Speaker 3:

Biden inflation.

Speaker 1:

If you want to go to a fucking coffee shop, you're spending $25. I'm with that, though.

Speaker 3:

A coffee date a first initial date, a first initial. I don't do the internet thing.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to go to the bar?

Speaker 3:

I'm good with going to a bar.

Speaker 1:

You want to go to the bar, that's $75. You want to go to Dirt Dog, that's $75. It is.

Speaker 3:

I ain't going to hold you. My prices are crazy In my world like I don't know, I don't. I've never put like a price point on a date. Like I'm very comfortable.

Speaker 1:

Don't listen to her, listen to me.

Speaker 5:

Listen to the generality 250.

Speaker 3:

I don't think and again, if I wouldn't say don't date, date within your comfort zone. Don't go and seek the most prize winning woman knowing that you can't afford to take her out to the places that she expects to go out to, and I'm not saying that you gotta go get the ball in the mother barrel bitch either.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to go get the chick at the Walmart to know who you're dating and be comfortable with that person, but Bidenflation.

Speaker 3:

Man Applebee's has got two for twenty. Applebeeezus going out of business. They can know they close in some locations, not all of them. Don't do them like that.

Speaker 1:

Because they're two for 20. You should be smart enough to know. With Biden inflation again.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, you make me sick, I'm about to blow your minds, though I actually just went on a date a couple of days ago.

Speaker 6:

It was a $500 date?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. And she paid, she paid, I bet she wants you to give her half back. No, no, she paid, I paid, but she sent me all the money.

Speaker 3:

I want to see if she wants to go on another date.

Speaker 2:

Is that what it is? She's older.

Speaker 6:

She's 30. Oh boy, she told me I was like we can go to.

Speaker 2:

McDonald's. We don't have to be. Yep, yeah, she was on it. No, no, when she told me I was like we can go to McDonald's, we don't got to go.

Speaker 4:

Boy bye, I was like we don't got to go $3,500. I don't know, man, Cheap as hell.

Speaker 3:

So that's why I'm like how are we talking? Did she know you?

Speaker 5:

No, she wanted to go, and because I'm a man.

Speaker 3:

Whatever I was going to take care of it and she was like no, I got it.

Speaker 2:

I was like are you sure? I was like have you seen these prices? But like y'all were saying earlier, she wanted. She was going to ask me. That's why I was going to intervene and say whoever asks, who is the one that should pay?

Speaker 3:

I think that's what matters the most in this conversation is asked you like or any man in that position. If I asked you out on a date because I'm not big like I very much feel like a. I don't go out with the trajectory of beating somebody, so you definitely have to approach me.

Speaker 2:

But if you ask me on said date, then yeah, there should be an expectation that you're paying now there's no way in the world I'll ask you on a date and ask you to play, ain't no In the world.

Speaker 5:

Are you hungry?

Speaker 3:

Can you cover 10% of mine too?

Speaker 4:

No for me. I think I'd take my card out, just for them to be like no, babe, I got it. That's probably why I was like hold on.

Speaker 5:

They thought.

Speaker 4:

I was, like you know, a savior to them. Let's get to this.

Speaker 1:

So you went on a date, right, yeah, you went on a date. I've been on a few dates this year. You've been on a few dates yeah. You pulled out the credit card, yeah, and you're not dating these guys currently.

Speaker 4:

It was like a first date and no, I'm not talking to them. Maybe that's why I pay, so I don't have to talk to them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Then why to them? Yeah, why go to date? You need to take your cell phone for some fucking ice cream.

Speaker 6:

Or as soon as the waiter walks up this check split please, and then you were interested in them before the date and then the date happened, you weren't feeling them anymore, or was it?

Speaker 4:

Maybe I got scared and I don't know.

Speaker 3:

How long has it been?

Speaker 1:

since you started dating yeah bro, you got a tiptoe in there. You got kids, right, I have kids, yeah 14 years.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to do the math real quick. You have kids, right? You said it's 20, 14 years, about 34, 35.

Speaker 4:

I'll be 36 next month.

Speaker 1:

If you don't mind me asking, okay cool, you already figured it out what you mean. You don't fucking ask me, I'm a business guy.

Speaker 3:

I'm a business guy, I'm a business guy, I'm a business guy Okay.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, you have kids and you know. So how do you, how do you feel about men dating single moms?

Speaker 4:

Um, how do I feel about it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Cause I want to segue into this. Um, it's they can then?

Speaker 4:

you know I'm, you have a son, I do my oldest son. He'll be 20 this year. Oh, damn yeah, yeah, okay, thank you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I thought you were like 16 right.

Speaker 1:

So if you was with your son, um, would you want your son to date any? Um, uh, a mom with kids no, not at his age.

Speaker 4:

No, I ask that because I hear that a lot. That's why I asked that's a good question. Not at his age, absolutely. Yeah, no, he's still a little kid himself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what about you? Have you had a son?

Speaker 3:

Have I had a son? No, I mean not like fresh off of high school getting ready to step into adulthood, ready to step into adulthood, no, but if he was older, like 25, 26, and he met a young woman who's probably around the same age and she has one or two children. Maybe she was previously married, because I feel like kids are getting married a hell of a lot younger than we were.

Speaker 6:

um, not that we old, but you know, I'm saying like the 20 somethings are getting married at like fresh out of high school they get married at 21, 22, so I, 26, 27,.

Speaker 3:

if he was to meet a single mom and she had a couple kids maybe she was married previously and the relationship didn't work out I would be more comfortable with that. But 18 to 22, fuck, no yeah no.

Speaker 1:

What about you If you had a son?

Speaker 6:

No. Let me get into that real quick. The reason I say okay, like, like you said, up until a certain age, and then I think once you're in that like older 20s age gap going into your 30s, by that time you know people live lives, you know there's the higher chance of someone's gonna have a kid at that point it's like okay, you're picking is, you know, might be a little smaller in that case, but when you're in your early 20s, though, that's a big responsibility that's a huge, you know might be a little smaller in that case, but when you're in your early 20s, that's a big responsibility.

Speaker 2:

That's a huge responsibility, you know, to potentially be a step parent. What about you, aj? Honestly, I never looked at it like that. That's a good question, but I have a daughter, so my mind immediately was like hell. No, you ain't dating nobody.

Speaker 3:

That's this reason, like we always say on the show I was a single parent, so I was a single parent, you were a single parent, and everything like that. Hey, we damaged goods, single parents, whether you like it or not you're, you are damaged.

Speaker 2:

I'm not copying that you, you like it. I feel like single parents today telling no problem and that's cool, but I feel like, if you're in your prime and you are straight, don't go date nobody that has kids. I wouldn't want. I have plenty of girls that don't have kids. I'm like, honestly, why you? Why you dating me? Why you dealing with me? I know I'm better than the other dudes, but that's besides the point well most of the time it's different for men than women.

Speaker 3:

There's a limit to it. I mean, even at our age there's a limit to it, right? Like there's men that will, in their 40s, will tell you that they don't think single moms because they see themselves of higher value. Like I make x amount of money and I don't really see myself contributing in any way to your child's livelihood. Um, I feel like there's a limit to it, right? If you are a woman who has, you know, two, three, four baby daddies, hell, fuck no. If you are a man who has two, three, four baby mamas, like hell, fuck no. And I'm not, and I'm not I'm saying this for anybody like I've got my children, have the same father.

Speaker 3:

Um, I just so happened to walk away from a relationship that was not, you know, healthy for me, not healthy for my children, not a healthy environment. Um, it's been a struggle. Like I was single for four years before I got with the person that I'm with now and finding a person that fit into, who I thought would fit into my lifestyle, wasn't it Like I every? And finding a person that fit into, who I thought would fit into my lifestyle, wasn't it? Like every man that I date, I didn't see them being a father figure. There's, no, there's literally. That is the only man that has ever been around my kids in the last four years, like I don't bring. If we ain't friends, we ain't platonic, you're not meeting my kids.

Speaker 3:

There's no way I'm bringing you into my space. You're not coming to my house, you're not coming to family functions. Like we can date outside of my life, but you're only going to see one side of me. You'll never get the full part of me. Yeah, so it makes dating harder. You have to vet people differently. So even on the reverse of that, if a man entering my situation like you have to understand where I've been and where I come from like I'm not looking for you to change my life or be a superhero to my kids, but understand that, like I, there's things that I have to do or live a certain way because I have kids Like I can't, I'm not we not popping out at two o'clock in the morning Like I got work tomorrow Right?

Speaker 3:

Um, every weekend we ain't going to be out at the club because I again I got to work or I got to spend time with my kids. You have to be comfortable with certain aspects of me and I think when we're talking about dating single parents, we shouldn't say, like you know, don't date them at all. What we should say is put a limit on what's acceptable, set boundaries, because there are women who do have two, three, four, five baby daddies and they haven't figured out themselves, they haven't really figured out what their issue is. If you have those conversations with them, they're quick to be like well, it was this one's fault, he did this and it was that one's fault he did that. Like it's very placing blame everywhere else except taking accountability or where you stood in that relationship. Same thing with men, all these women. My daddy is the prime example. I love Andre. You know that's my dog but he got seven, like he got seven.

Speaker 3:

He had kids all over the fucking place and still, to this day, he doesn't hold himself accountable on what role he played. Like you're a single person, you had multiple women in your life. What did you not do right with at least one of these women to where you could have got married, had a stable household, to where you could have raised all of your kids in one city?

Speaker 3:

My father didn't raise none of us. He ended up marrying a woman who had four other kids of her own, with four other men raised her kids and didn't raise a single one of his. So it's just like you got to look at things a bigger picture. I'm all for like even if she had two baby daddies, like maybe the relationships were fucked up. But you have to start vetting people differently. It's not necessarily about don't date them at all. It's more so about who are they as a character, who are what? What presence do they bring? Yeah, if they coming off toxic and you know they got baby daddies beating down the door and they pulling up at jobs, out of your job they come to your house, they cussing your mama, how like that's the problem.

Speaker 1:

They're on the problem hey, um, we're gonna go to a part two, so go ahead and shout out your go ahead and shout out your uh.

Speaker 2:

AJ, three baby daddies in me.

Speaker 1:

Hey, AJ, I see that you created a little. Yeah, it's under construction right now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm trying to figure out how to work it. I think that's.

Speaker 1:

Elevator, one Network on everything. And then you got a Standout University that's already created. So you guys, by the time this episode airs, we'll have episodes on standout university as well. That's more conservative, more self-improvement, more all that shit type of podcast and boom.

Speaker 4:

At Dose of Marina Christy Beats.

Speaker 1:

And we out. Thanks for watching, guys.

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